Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 14 of 30 . . . Kid, you changed my life

Dear Cody,

The day I found out about you my life started to change.  It is so very different now than it was. I am so happy for you and all the joy you bring to me. I am so lucky to be your mom.  At times I want to pull my hair out because you are so busy and adventurous and fearless all the time.  But you always love me and let me hold you close. You are a really smart kid. You are great at figuring out how to get things and maneuver things so they do what you want.  You love to see how things work and make it happen.  (That light switch is no match for you!)  At the present time you are in the bath. You figured out how to turn the water off and on. You think you are so super smart. I agree.

I love you so much. Thank you for joining me here. I will keep trying to be the best mom for you I can be. You are amazing.



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