Melissa's wedding was awesome. It was beautiful. My brother Ryan did the ceremony. He was Reverend Booty for the weekend, all legal and every thing. He was funny and sweet and romantic. Every one looks great and we laughed we schmoozed, we carried on. I had a fabulous time. (As always click on the picture to make 'em bigger and not fuzzy.)
Liss has a way with kids, huh?
Poor Cody. This was part of his not feeling well, grumpy getting molars teething days. Breghten was the ring bearer. He is too cute!
Melissa looked beautiful. The setting was gorgeous. Melissa & Rob had Jelly Belly's at all the seats. In each little box were at least 5 barf beans. My whole family is a bunch of jokesters. Melissa also walked around with a shocking microphone and asked people to record a few words when they tried to turn it on it shocked them. There was lots of love laughter and fun! Did I mention I love my family!
Me and one of my sisters. My dad and one of his sisters. My mom and J-Dawg and Mister Dobbs. And Drewberto being a silly boy are all in the picture above.
There are a few more pictures I want to add and I don't have time to put them in a collage this morning. But I want to get this post up (finally.) I still have one more set of vacation pictures to put up. I know these are totally out of order. The last set is going to be the night before the wedding. :) Thanks for reading! (Comment if ya wanna!)